Demo Version 1.23: Collision Checkmate

There's been piling up a bunch of collision checking bugs that I've either not been aware of, forgotten about, or prioritized kinda low for some time, and now it's finally time to wipe them all out in one swoop! I wasn't planning to release another update so soon but some of these were bad enough that I just HAD to act already. This is just essentially a slightly larger hotfix so you're not missing out THAT much if you skip 1.23, but I'd still recommend it if you've got the bandwidth and disk space to spare.

Full Changelog

  • Fixed getting stuck inside emergency wallrun prism in Plane Insane.
  • Major tweaks to biplane movement in Plane Insane, it now can follow slopes smoothly and there's new bruteforce code to move you out of walls if you managed to park halfway into one thanks to collision inconsistencies. (Original code that did this gave up too soon, this one runs every frame for a full second because the plane hitbox is weird and I don't know why. Please send help.)
  • 'Fixed' the bug with the clock tower shortcut door in Steamboat Dracula breaking the camera (the two doors are now in different map rooms so it forces a camera reset)
  • Greatly reduced the hitbox for jumpthrough platforms from half a tile to 2 pixels, which should hopefully reduce weird collision issues where you are detected as moving through one in the wrong direction and being blocked, while still being so far away from the edge that you can't land on it, which would get you stuck in a weird limbo state where you're neither considered on the ground nor in midair.
  • Non-boss enemies are now paused when you collect a Shard / Magic Yarn or are in a cutscene (including talking to NPCs).
  • Added a 'jump' tutorial prompt in the tutorial secret room and added a ramp so you can't get stuck at the bottom.
  • Removed Tippy's dialogue about thinking 'kid' and 'human' are different species (later lore has made it stop making sense)
  • Fixed corrupted tiles in rooftop section of Trick Or Threat.
  • Added invisible wall objects to a lot of places where wall objects and wall tiles line up, to try to fix issues where the collision between tiles and objects are inconsistent. (E.g. you can't stand on the 1-pixel seam between boss gates and walls anymore)
  • Added ability for enemies to permanently ignore one-way platforms. Cursed King now does this, so he can't land on the boss room platforms messing up later attacks. Might add this to other enemies/bosses later.
  • Tweak one of the jumpthrough funnels in Hive Hijinks science lab so you don't need to change direction in mid-air to get up
  • Added secret challenge leading to an unfinished area (but there's a warp you can unlock to bank your progress for when it's finished)
  • Ver. 1.23c hotfix: Fixed tutorial and interaction prompts not compensating for the view being rotated or zoomed, displacing their position in ugly ways (most noticeable when disembarking biplane in Plane Insane)
  • Ver. 1.23c hotfix: Only enemies in current room get paused when triggering cutscene, so cutscenes that trigger immediately when the level loads (e.g. first Crystal Burger collected) will not mess with offscreen enemies and stopping them from initializing properly.

Stay flippin', folks!



Burgertale Demo (ver 1.23) 205 MB
36 days ago

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