Demo version 1.20: Nugget Mines story expansion

This update took two months of crunching, but it's finally complete! Continue your journey through the second world Nugget Mines, with several hours' worth of new stuff to do and a massive slew of quality-of-life improvements and bugfixes.

Full changelog

  • New story stuff in Nugget Mines! Finally delve into the mystery of the Circus Mines...
    • As part of these changes, Short Desert entrance was reversed so you gotta find the circus first before you can access it.
    • Also some misc other geometry changes to Nugget Mines hub to funnel you to the correct spot for cutscenes to happen.
  • New level: Fastest Sun In The West. The hardest level in the game so far, be careful not to get burned when you play with fire!
  • New level: City of the Ancients ~ Shifting Sands. The city's final crystal burger has been added, filling in the large chunk that was missing in the bottom right corner of this area. Can you uncover the secret of the shifting sands or will you get lost beyond salvation?
  • New level: Pyramid Power. This one will shock you!
  • New level: Royal Halls. Be careful when you're playing with cards, or you're gonna get royally flushed out!
  • New level: Circus Mines - This one isn't the largest level I've created for the game, but it's still pretty huge.
  • New level: Assault on Cowboy Town. The best song in the game finally gets its level!
  • Four new boss fights!!! Listing any of their names would be a spoiler.
  • New secret area added to Chessmaster's Tomb with some additional goodies and a shopkeeper.
  • Added a path back to the upper right part of Chessmaster's Tomb if you have the magic ring so you don't need to go all the way around if you flub the jump to the Rook Carrot Coin room.
  • Reworked entrance to Bread Ruins Main to hint at what you'll see inside the level.
  • Level names are now shown as "???" until you've visited them at least once so the pun won't immediately ruin the suspense.
  • Having a 'reveals hidden collectibles' effect active (e.g. Eye of Okaris) now also shows major collectibles (Life/Mana Shards, Magic Yarn, Shiny Wings) on level preview and on the statistics tab, so you don't need to visit the level in person to check if it's got something.
  • Fix issue where tons of offscreen objects stayed loaded after pausing and unpausing until next time you triggered a screen transition, potentially causing slowdowns or inconsistent behavior. (Hopefully it also fixes the issue with desynced moving platforms in Draculinda's Castle clock tower)
  • Fixed bug where colored lightning didn't work because I'd turned it off to debug something. Derp!
  • Fixed a bug where using background doors would randomly fail to update the valid camera region, so it got stuck in the area you left until you paused and unpaused. Also added some logic to move the player up if needed, so you won't get stuck in the ground sometimes due to door coordinates being rounded to the wrong pixel.
  • Fixed a bug where overriding the camera doesn't keep things in view loaded in, only whatever's near the player, which would break a couple of things when the camera scrolled too far away (notably background-controllers)
  • Reworked the pause menu System page. More stuff is now shown here and things have been moved around to use the space better. There's now also a new 'important stuff' page to track some things that weren't tracked before, like quest items and skill-unlock items.
  • Reworked the 'equip accessories' mirror menu, it now is a bit smaller and uses vertical scrolling so it's less overwhelming to browse. (It was legit possible to have more accessories than would fit on the menu before, now things are a bit more futureproof)
  • Rework of the level metadata structure to fix some stuff that annoyed me. Most of this is the kinda backend stuff a player won't see but notably, Castle Town is now its own region instead of its levels being baked into the Burger Nexus section.
  • Reworked how backgrounds cut off rendering outside of their area (now they use built-in GPU scissors instead of manually ignoring pixels with a shader). In theory it should be the same functionality but faster, but please alert me if some random room somewhere has gotten visually messed up thanks to this change.
  • Tweaks to map generation and drawing.
    • Secret doors you can only see from one side will now be shown as a regular door once revealed (instead of the other side still having the room border).
    • Removed the grid texture from the map (IMO it messed with the readability of the pixel data)
    • Level entrances now have a smaller icon so it won't completely cover up map data (for instance from the map you couldn't tell where to access the Breathing Room entrance, because the icon completely covered up the doorway to its room)
    • Optimizations when map data is collected at level start, so levels will load faster.
    • The map now indicates underwater areas in blue.
    • Map colors have been tweaked a bit so colored rooms (e.g. Lever Action red/green/blue area) are less intense on the map.
    • Blast From The Past / The Public Domain now both have color-coded sub-areas on the map. (I'm probably not gonna do this for EVERY level but the extra-large ones get hard to navigate otherwise)
  • Added new electric particles, they're used for the electrified beds in Plane Insane among other fun electrocution hazards.
  • Fixed giant toilets not having the investigation prompt explaning that you can remove them with plunger keys.
  • Fixed some flow issues and semi-softlocks (you could only get out with Spellboosts) in movie zone
  • Eye of Okaris now also reveals hidden collectibles on the map (only in rooms you've visited)
  • Fixed Grandma Goat still giving you the tip about Frie even if you defeated her. Also, changed the logic here so she only gives you ONE major boss tip (the next undefeated one in the intended difficulty progression) instead of a giant wall of text going through them all. And finally, the tip option has been moved to the main menu instead of being under 'Listen to Stories About The Past'.
  • Physics update: wallrunning into the ceiling will now either launch you away if it was a slope, or bonk you against the ceiling if it wasn't. (Previously you'd just immediately enter freefall state and then subsequently fall back down again since you were holding the direction towards the wall, now it should be easier to subconsciously reach the stuff at the top)
  • Fixed Tippy having blank dialogue boxes in edge cases where you completed the tutorial but didn't discover Burger Nexus and then returned to speak to her again.
  • Balance tweak: Prospector's Protractor now slightly increases gold drops from enemies and has a 3% chance to double damage per-bullet. (Increasing bullet range/duration 50% is barely noticeable in practice so it felt too weak)
  • Balance tweak: Breadshroom Shotgunners now deal a full burger of damage with their projectiles.
  • New voice clips for chubby goth buns and fruitian kids (the ones I used for them just felt unfitting)
  • Spikes in the Nugget Mines - Castle Town secret tunnel are now enemy-aligned instead of neutral so the slime won't bounce into them and instantly die on its own.
  • Fix some Nexus room connections not being marked on the map. I gotta place markers for this manually so secret connections are only shown from the secret side and sometimes I forget UwU
  • Fixed a crash if you press ENTER when the debug console is empty.
  • Item blocks in Blast From The Past are now 2x2 tiles big so they're easier to hit at Burgertale speeds + aren't just literally copypasted from that other game.
  • Holy Sword received an attack power buff but now only shoots the beam if your health is full. Also it has a new retro attack sound.
  • Fixed softlock if you clipped into the windows of the pirate ship using nearby jumpthrough platform in Blast From The Past.
  • Misc graphics and enemy name tweaks in Blast From The Past (there's grass now!)
  • Fix collision issues and missing tiles in the Staff Key area in movie zone sewers (water collision settings didn't support rotation)
  • Some tweaks to Plane Insane escape route + adding details to UFO interiors to be more visually interesting on the map
  • Replaced Shrimp Lady NPC in Castle Town with Nut Dealer, who has an inventory of some stuff that's actually useful. (Sorry to all Vinny fans in the audience)
  • Implemented a system for buff effects, and enabled a bunch of items using it that were listed in shops but not possible to purchase.
    • Serri & Dan now sells Glowcap and Poisonshroom.
    • Prospector Frank now sells Dynamite. Try not to blow yourself up because it can damage you too!
    • There's a new vendor in Chessmaster's Tomb selling Bloodmoss, Stamina Moss and Oxygen Moss.
  • Fixed Lasso rotating super fast and having a very underwhelming projectile, it's now a whip. Also doubled its durability.
  • Increased Pickaxe's attack speed and durability.
  • Fixed some food that damages you (e.g. Moldy Orange) not previewing the negative numbers properly
  •  Bread Ruins Main: added new funky slopes to greenhouse/prison entrance, some misc flow tweaks in Greenhouse (most importantly a wider platform after the wallrun jumpoff point in the vertical shaft near the crystal burger so it's easier to land on)
  • Nugget Mines hub: added the Cheese Bank area. This will be important later!
  • Added some sand tiles around the entrance to Frank's Mining Emporeum so it doesn't feel as ridiculously out of place.
  • Added breakable crates to basically every level that didn't have them originally to make Cube of Socrates more viable.
  • Fixed recursive fake walls instantly becoming transparent if you touched one while already having revealed regular fake walls. Now they always use their own transparency countdown instead of only SOMETIMES.
  • Accessory pickups now emit the same glowy particles as health / mana fragments, so you can tell it's a collectible even though they all look different.
  • Fixed changing accessories always healing you to max (this was a last-second fix to weird behavior when swapping max HP/MJ/air accessories but I forgot implementing the proper fix until now)
  • Fixed list of crystalburgers held during an escape never being reset, leaking memory and allowing exploits where you could earn burgers by clearing another level's escape.
  • Debris when rolling boulders break is now much smaller.
  • Fixed certain enemies just flying off forever if you inflicted Slowed on them (Mole Miners and Venus Flytraps in particular never move by themselves so they would never reset the momentum they got from attack knockback)
  • Slowed enemies now also fire bullets at half speed, animate at half speed, and run their behavior counters at half speed.
  • Periodic spike traps' hitbox was adjusted a bit so they won't hit you through platforms from the wrong side.
  • The drills used by Drillslimes (and some other enemies) now doesn't destroy melee hitboxes, only regular bullets.
  • Fixed some misc flow/feel issues in platforming sections (most notably slide path next to Nugget Mines entrance)
  • New Pisston appearances. DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN

What's Next?

I haven't decided yet, but I'll probably take a break from crunching on Burgertale and collect my thoughts for going forward - maybe join a game jam, or spend some time on that fractal RPG project so I get to do heavy maths for a while. If I missed any serious bugs I'll of course patch them ASAP.

I've kinda skimped on secrets and consequences in Burgertale lately, so I might do an update that just does that - e.g. after concluding the Nugget Mines storyline, more NPCs comment on how things have changed; after befriending Frie the prisoners in Bread Ruins Main are released, and stuff like that. Either way I'll do my darndest to not get stuck working on a megaupdate that takes 2 entire months if I can avoid it.

Stay flippin', folks!


Burgertale Demo (ver 1.20) 197 MB
38 days ago

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