A downloadable game for Windows

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My entry for the 4th GMC Jam, with the theme JOURNEY. Made in less than 72 hours!

It's 2017, but you still believe there are more continents to discover!
You make a shoddy raft and set sail towards the horizon, hoping to
become famous as the discoverer of the eighth continent! Jump and surf
your way through an ever-increasing caribbean gauntlet of sharks,
turtles, shoals and mysteriously aloft cannonballs while snagging what
pirate treasure you can right off their buoys! Can you find a new
continent or will you end up in Davy Jones' locker?

  • Cutting edge 3D graphics!
  • Intuitive 3-button control scheme!
  • Saves your high scores! Challenge your personal best!
  • Suspenseful water-and-sail gameplay where you need to memorize obstacles you can't see!
  • Jump to avoid obstacles, but be careful not to avoid treasure!
  • Realtime-rendered and realtime-updated water surface!
  • Randomized obstacles! A different experience every time! Except I think I forgot to call randomize() so it's probably the same obstacles every time!
  • Rechargeable health lets you play forever!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Journevazure version 1.0 (Jam release) 22 MB
License Agreement 22 kB

Development log


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Another one for the books missy.  I have to say though this has a lot of the same scoring as the flappy game you have. Still love the game. I wonder why you don't make any games for HTML5. Keep up the fantastic ma'dam <3