Version 1.2.0: Emergency Hotfix

Version 1.2.0 is an emergency hotfix released after Joel had technical issues with the game this morning.

  • Added safeguards that SHOULD stop the bug where the render engine stops working and you just get a black screen; now normal rendering is forcibly turned on every time the game checks for the old TV effect. (The bug still doesn't happen on my PC, so I can't tell if it's actually fixed :<)
  • Added "level skip" option to the options menu. In case the game breaks after clearing a stage, you can continue from the next one this way. (This also lets you play the game over multiple sittings instead of being forced to play the entire thing in one go)
  • The final boss now has a separate continue point (previously you had to restart from the first level of the clock tower), and this has been added as a level skip point as well.
  • Fixed a bug which could make "Continue" screen softlock if you game-overed in an unrecognized level.
  • Fixed the bug where dying on True C.B.T gave you more than your normal max HP, and eating burgers would reduce it.
  • Fixed the bug where "Night Effect" would keep turning back on after you turned it off.


Frenvania (v 1.2.0) 33 MB
Jun 05, 2021

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